Service Charges



Schedule of Commission/Charges/Interest for arranging Trade & Non-Trade transactions from other AD-I Banks

The LC opening charges should be collected up front All other charges/ commission / Interest for Trade & Non- Trade Transactions like Export Transactions(Bills Purchased/Discounted/Negotiated), Export Bills for Collection, Foreign Currency and Rupee Export Bills, Commission in Lieu of Exchange, Export Letters of Credit, Transferable Letters of Credit, Acceptance Commission, Certificates, Import Transactions, Import & Inland Letter of Credit - Application of Charges, Revolving Letter of Credit, Deferred Imports, Crystallization of Import Bills Under Letter of Credit, Import Non-LC Bills, Import Payments, A2 remittances, Countersigning/ Co-Acceptance/ Availisation of Import Bills, Merchanting Trade, Clean Instruments, Inward remittances, Encashment of TTs/Purchase of MTs / DDs,  Outward  Remittances,  Issue  of  Foreign Currency / Travelers Cheques /  Currency  Note, Foreign Bank Guarantees, Buyer’s Credit, Forward Exchange Contracts, Miscellaneous services like SWIFT, Courier, Advising LCs, Postage, etc and all other Miscellaneous Transactions arranged through other AD- I banker, the applicable charges/ commission/ Interest will be recovered as per prevailing charges/ commission/ Interest of such AD- I banker at the time of execution of such transactions. In case of, a Line of credit or correspondent relationship has been entered with such an AD-I Bank, then relevant Top-up of commission/charges/Interest/ handling fees(charges)/out of pocket expenses, etc. of our Bank will be recovered from customer in addition to AD-I Bank's share of commission/charges/Interest/handling fees(charges), out of pocket expenses, etc.


LC Advising Charges

Rs.1500+ App. Tax


Devolvement of Letter of Credit Facility - Invokement of Bank Guarantee Facility.

Interest should be charged @15.00% p.a. For the period of Devolvement / Invokement


Penal Charges on Loans & Advances

Non compliance of Credit Rating exercise where financials are not submitted by borrower

2% p.a. plus applicable taxes on outstanding balance till the credit rating exercise is done

If monthly installment or any other payment is due and not paid for more than one month (Except Loan against FDR, NSC, KVP, Bullet repayment gold loan)

2% p.a. plus applicable taxes on overdue EMI Amount

For Cash Credit Accounts, for non submission of stock statements within 10th of next month

2% p.a. plus applicable taxes on outstanding balance

If the CC/OD facility is not renewed on due date due to delay on the part of the borrower

2% p.a. plus applicable taxes on outstanding balance

For utilization of Cash Credit amount beyond drawing power (DP)

2% p.a. plus applicable taxes on the excess amount drawn/ utilized above the drawing power

For non–compliance of most important terms & conditions till the date of compliance such as NOC for mortgage, charge creation, lien noting, non – compliance of any undertaking submitted as stipulated in any sanction etc. wherever applicable

2.00 % p.a. plus applicable taxes on outstanding loan amount till the compliance of such condition

Non co-operation by the borrower during inspection of stock audit e.g. submission of stock movement register, Sales Register, Purchase Register, etc. or not allowing bank officials and panel stock auditor to inspect the factory premises where stock is stored

2% p.a. plus applicable taxes on outstanding balance

In case the borrower fails to insure the security up to full extent, with bank’s clause and submission of insurance policy to the Bank, Bank will to insure the security at the cost of borrower for all Term Loans and Cash Credit/ Overdraft Accounts.

2% p.a. plus applicable taxes on outstanding balance, till date on which the premium amount is paid by the borrower.

If interest on Cash Credit account is not serviced within 10 days from the date of application of interest.

2% p.a. plus applicable taxes on overdue amount for the period of default.

On overdue amount of loan for overdue period

2% p.a. plus applicable taxes on monthly basis





Vehicle Seizing Charges


i) Two Wheeler / Three Wheeler

(Rs.300/- + Parking Charges Rs.50 per day) + App.Tax

ii) Light Motor Vehicle .

(Rs.1000/- + Parking Charges Rs.100 per day)+ App.Tax

iii) Heavy Vehicle.

(Rs.2000/- + Parking Charges Rs.100 per day)+ App.Tax

iv) Excavators, Cranes & Pocklain

(Rs.3000/- + actual o/s Chg. +Parking 300/-+) App.Tax


Sealing / Possession of Immovable Properties.


i)  Flat / Stall / Gala / Bunglow / Shop.

Rs.4000/- one time +App.Tax

ii)  Factory Premises / Industrial Units.

Rs.5000/- one time + App.Tax

iii)  Possession of Flat / Stall /Gala / Bunglow/ Shop through Court.

Rs.7000/- one time + App.Tax


Visit Charges for Recovery along with notice

Rs.200/- per A/c + App. Tax

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